Monday, February 1, 2010


This is my new guee-tar. Isn't it pretty? Thanks to all the Christmas and birthday gift givers who contributed. Now if I can just manage to keep it from falling apart in my unevenly heated and dry house. It has a deLIGHTful sound.


Next of Kin said...

Hey, Congrats Sass!
Looking forward to hearing a smokin' rendition of Guitar Man, or Alice's Restaurant, or even a nice Kumbuya(sp) by the campfire. I also know a 4 yr old who'd love to be your right hand man. (Maybe when he's 10, eh?) I can see you now. Today: pickin a couple of chords.
Tomorrow: playin' in the Trash.
In most places, that would be a step backwards now wouldn't it?
Here's to ya!

shining example of human potential said...
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shining example of human potential said...

can't wait to hear it (you know, you can post audio on your blog, right?)