Monday, August 13, 2007

Killer Bags

Plastic bags are a freaking scourge, y'all. Read the Salon article if you don't believe me.

I'm called to action: I'll make/find/buy a fabric shopping bag and deliver it free to anyone who asks for one in the comments.

Via Yummy Turtle


Whiskeymarie said...

I don't need one, but thanks. I have a rainbow-stripey thing I bought at IKEA for $2 a while back.
My favorite plastic bag "thing" is when the bagger not only tries to give you a plastic bag, but then they want to wrap up individual items in plastic bags to put inside the big bag.
What the hell is wrong with these people???
Done ranting now...

Sassmaster said...

I KNOW! What is up with that? I don't care if the chicken leaks or whatever. Keep your damn bags!

Lollie said...

I'm with your curve...I have four canvas bags in the back of my car for shopping. If I forget to grab them out of the back, I just tell the cashier that I'd like to save the bag (as I'm removing the things they've stuffed in there, all the while looking at me like my head is made of canvas).

Night Editor said...

Hey Sass. Thanks for the link to the Salon article. Stunning. I ask for paper, try to reuse my paper bags, and bring my own tote to the Farmers Market but you're right. I'll get me a couple of fabric bags for the trunk!

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea - don't throw your plastic bags in the lake. How astounding is it that San Francisco (the most environmentally conscious, socially progressive wonderland on earth) still manages to consume 180 million plastic grocery bags in a year? I guess it's only us morons in red states that are supposed to use canvas. Probably too much hassle to cary a canvas bag around all day when you have two or three protests to attend on your way to the supermarket. Notwithstanding the Salon's unbiased and multifaceted reporting, you might not want to tell anyone that your little brother sells a few hundred thousand plastic bags every day to the evil meat industry (GASP!!!!!) And yes, those plastic bags do eventually end up in a landfill. On their way to the landfill, however, those bags extend the useable life of meat, cheese, and produce items. Products that would previously spoil in a week or less can now stay fresh for weeks or even months, allowing them to be exported to countries that cannot produce enough food to feed their own populations. Scourge indeed!

That being said, I'll take a cloth bag if you're willing to road-trip to Omaha for the delivery. Then I'll take it down the street and buy us some beer and steaks!

Love Ya!


Anonymous said...

Wow! - it really didn't seem that long when I was typing it. I'm feeling a little sheepish that I barfed all that up - I'm really not pissed or anything. I guess I forgot how much I like to argue with you :)


Sassmaster said...

Nobody loves a good rant more than me! But we are talking about plastic grocery bags, which unlike packaging, extend the life of nothing.

I'm going to search you out some massive tie-dyed bag with "Vegetable Rights and Peace!" on the side. That plays groovy folk music when you squeeze the handle.


Boomer said...

Oooo. I WANT one that plays groovy folk music when you squeeze the handle! Only if you can deliver it in person, though. Is John Henry Day on your calendar?

Sassmaster said...

Boomer: I do plan on John Henry Day. Can't wait to see you!

JC: I am awash in a sense of belonging... The whole belligerent but hilarious ranting with a side of defensiveness, followed by apologetic joshing. That is just me in a nutshell. It's part of the family programming! I've had four "conversations" like that already this morning.

Anonymous said...


I am terribly relieved that you understand - I've been worrying all day that you would take offense to my orneriness. It really is a family trait, that whole cycle of belligerence and guilt - how very Irish Catholic of us. A coworker and I actually named this the Bluto effect (based on John Belushi's character in Animal House). It's like smashing the hell out of somebody's guitar, then handing it back to them with a sheepish "sorry".

Love ya,


Sassmaster said...

Bluto! Hahahaha! Awesome.